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Emosin Flooring 2024 жылғы кантон жәрмеңкесін сәтті аяқтады Қазақстан

Қазан 28, 2024

Emosin Flooring is pleased to announce a successful participation in the October 2024 Canton Fair, where we showcased our top-quality SPC, LVT, және Ламинаттан жасалған еден products. This event allowed us to connect with thousands of visitors, including buyers, designers, and industry professionals, facilitating valuable new partnerships and opportunities for growth.

Strong Interest and New Connections

Our booth attracted significant attention from international attendees, especially for our UV7-coated, wear-resistant flooring solutions. With over 500 new business inquiries and key partnership discussions, Emosin Flooring is excited to expand its global reach.

Emphasis on Sustainability and Technology

We highlighted our commitment to тұрақты тәжірибе және озық технологиялар, meeting E1 and E0 standards for low formaldehyde emissions. Visitors were impressed with the durability and low-maintenance features of our products, reinforcing Emosin Flooring’s reputation for quality and innovation.

Invitation for a Factory Tour

We invited visitors to a special factory tour to experience our production processes, quality control, and advanced machinery firsthand. Many clients expressed interest, further strengthening potential partnerships.

Алдын ала қарап

Encouraged by the positive response at the Canton Fair, Emosin Flooring remains committed to innovation and sustainability. We thank all who visited and look forward to a year of growth and new opportunities in the flooring industry.

Stay tuned as Emosin Flooring continues to provide top-quality, eco-friendly flooring solutions to clients worldwide.

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